Now make it!

8 people, 6 days, 2 groups!

Use the knowledge of the last 10 weeks to build two different projects, all together, in two loving and supporting teams!

What you choose to build and how you choose to display it is up to you. We suggest you spend any time you have on:

  • UX/UI principals learned this week
  • TDD it!
  • work as a team, dividing roles and doing stand-ups
  • use github issues and labels
  • think carefully about your project as an MVP, how and what to prioritize.
  • Use all of the programming knowledge you learned, but keep it simple!

and as already mentioned before:

  • This is all about learning.
  • Try your best to get the core features done by the end of the week, but if you don't, it's not the end of the world - (look back through it on the weekend and play around with some of the stuff you didn't finish).
  • Your whole team MUST understand ALL the features you're implementing (if they don't, either explain it fully, or DON'T implement it)

most importantly - have fun!!!!

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