Research day

Research Topics

Splitting into groups: jigsaw! Suggested formats: demonstration + small readmes + quiz

Session management and browser storage

(We will only be using cookies this week but there are many ways that the browser stores data that are worth knowing about)

  • What are Web SQL and Indexed DB?
  • What are local storage and session storage?
  • What is caching and why is it important for your application's performance?
  • What is a cookie?
  • What are some of the different ways Hapi implements session management?

The hapi.js cookies and caching tutorials may be of use to you.


(We'll be covering this topic in much more depth later but for now just an introduction to it!)

  • What is authentication and why do we need it when building web applications?
  • What are authentication schemes and strategies?
  • What are some of the different ways Hapi implements authentication?
  • Build a small project which demonstrates authentication using Hapi.

The hapi.js authentication tutorial may be of use to you.


  • What is validation and why is it important (absolutely critical)?
  • What is Joi and how would you use it with Hapi?
  • Create a small project demonstrating some example situations where you'd use Joi.
  • Set up some validation schemas for these examples.

The hapi.js validation tutorial may be of use to you.


  • What is a templating engine and why would you use it?
  • What is Handlebars.js?
  • Write some examples of how you'd use Handlebars
  • What are the advantages of using server side rendering vs rendering dynamic content on the client?
  • How would you use Hapi's views interface to serve dynamic content?

The hapi.js views tutorial may be of use to you.

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