Monday Workshop

DWYL TDD Tutorial

Starter Questions:

  • Easy questions first: What is the Red-Green-Refactor cycle?
  • What is ping pong pair programming?

Vending Machine Change Calculator

  • 2 hour Workshop
  • Cohort pairs off and builds the vending machine

Emphasis is on Red-Green-Refactor cycle and ping pong pair programming work flow.

Workshop Goals:

  • Get comfortable with Red-Green-Refactor TDD cycle
  • Practise ping ponging when writing tests
  • If all the alliteration wasn't enough of a hint: Have fun!

Things to Remember:

  • What's a sensible first test for a function?
  • Is this the simplest possible test you can think of?
  • What test are you going to add next?
  • As you work through the problem are all your tests still passing? If not, why not?
  • As you work through the problem are you working from the outside in, or are you trying to solve the problem in a linear sequence from top to bottom? (Hint: try working from the outside in, always thinking about the inputs and outputs of the code block you are working on.)

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