
We have no paid teaching staff, but everyone in this space is here to assist you in your learning. Here is a list of people active in FAC:

  • Dan Sofer (director)
  • Ines Teles (director/dwyl)
  • Nelson Correia (lead technical mentor/dwyl)
  • Besart Hoxhaj (FAC2)
  • Izaak Rogan (FAC2)
  • Harry Fox (FAC3/dwyl)
  • Simon Labondance (FAC5/dwyl)
  • Anita Czapla (FAC5/dwyl)
  • Jack Rans (FAC5/dwyl)
  • Mina Gyimah (FAC5)
  • Daniel (FAC5/dwyl)
  • Sohil Pandya (FAC6)
  • Tormod Smith (FAC6)
  • Eoin McCarthy (FAC6/dwyl)
  • Naaz Ahmed (FAC6/dwyl)
  • Marie Kasai (FAC6/dwyl)
  • Conor Campbell (FAC6/dwyl)

And most of FAC7 and FAC8!

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