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Bad resource for beginners: MakeMeHapi for learning hapi

  • vague instructions
  • advanced terminology

Having a consistent weekly structure is good (strong approval)

READMEs being generated are too complex (strong approval)

  • 15 minute read time to understand content
  • reminder that these are a 'public' resource
  • contain information that is not for beginners


Code alongs are good but go slow (strong approval)

  • with a readme to look back at for reference
  • go slowly so everyone can keep up
  • validate that everyone is on the same page at regular intervals
  • provide context about where code alongs, workshop topics are used

30 second video summaries of SGC

  • who is it for? internal or external? TBC
  • whats the purpose? TBC
  • vote on top 3 things at end of SGC

More node before hapi

  • enjoyed node project
  • moving onto Hapi so quickly might lead to forgetting pure node server
  • introducing morning challenges to recreate some parts of Hapi's API

Longer on testing

  • how to test different parts of back-end
  • real projects with tests
  • introduce testing during hapi workshop

During projects making sure that everyone understands the code within a team


Workshops and projects that allow groups to be creative

  • creativity is good as long as theres an actual objective

Monday - Friday week External Alumni talk is good, but make sure difficulty and length of talk are taken into account Introduce project planning techniques into the course eg. user stories, user testing, project managing Francesco's talk (server testing) - well paced, well thought through, needed skill

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