Code of Conduct ✍🏽

FAC is a collaborative, peer-led learning environment. This means taking an interest in and conducting yourself to the benefit of everyone around you's learning:

  • Arrive at 09:45 to be ready for a prompt start at 10:00 and let the group know (in advance, if possible) if you’re not going to be in, as if you don’t others will be delayed by your absence.
  • FAC has a hotdesking policy. Please sit anywhere downstairs when you arrive each morning, not at the same desk, and aim to work with a different person each day – we all have different skills to share and learn from.
  • We ❤️ pair programming. Don't work on your own, and aim for equal contribution and mutual understanding of the code in group projects; the success of most projects is dependent upon how well you work as a team.
  • Don't stress over completing projects. It's okay if you present something unfinished as it's a learning exercise, and we’re not in competition with each other.
  • FAC is built on an ethos of peer learning. Work hard on readmes and group resources, and ensure you code review others' projects – you’re depriving yourself and others from benefiting from each other’s work otherwise.
  • Struggle is good, but not too much of it. If you cannot solve a problem within 20 minutes, stop and talk to somebody about it, as chances are someone can help.
  • Tidy up after yourself and take care of the space, because we all have to work here:
    • Wash up your crockery rather than leave it in the sink, and wipe down the counter area you’ve been using.
    • Please take responsibility for recycling and rubbish. Both get taken out and are stored at the end of the road; just ask someone to show you where it is if you're unsure.
    • Please leave your desk clear before you leave each day.
    • Follow the rules regarding the fridge – don't leave food in there for more than a few days, and please throw away anything you see that's gone mouldy.
  • For the first 10 weeks of the course, stick to vanilla JavaScript. That means no frameworks, backend or frontend (i.e. no Bootstrap/jQuery etc...). This is for the benefit of your understanding of JavaScript; trust us (and all the previous FAC cohorts) – it works!

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