
You have the following options. Whatever you choose you must make use of JOIN queries and provide a way to authenticate users.

  1. Most prescriptive: build a platform for writing and sharing reviews of coding resources. User stories:

    • I can log in.
    • I can see a list of recent reviews.
    • I can see a list of reviewed resources.
    • I can create, edit and view my own reviews.
    • I can see a list of reviews of a particular resource.
    • I can click on a listed review to read it.
    • (optional extra) I can see a list of reviews by a particular user.

    Focus on getting this functionality rather than making the frontend look good. Build your endpoints first.

  2. Less prescriptive: a review site for any kind of media. Same user stories.

  3. Least prescriptive: anything!

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    No results matching ""