
Create an autocomplete website

A great (search) word finder (user experience) always starts with autocomplete

Your task is to build a site which will update as you type similar to this

You will need a large.txt file to search through for your auto-completing, there's loads on google if you look hard enough.

Don't forget

  • We expect to see testing on both the front-end and back-end (using tape)
  • Aim to have as much code coverage as possible (i.e. as much of your code tested as possible.)

Stretch goals

Not mandatory. If you find the time.

  • module.exports and require. On Monday afternoon we discussed how to take a single large server file and break it down into smaller modules. Consider what would be a good folder structure for your app composed of smaller programs you require and export as needed. We used these examples when we discussed it:,
  • host the project on heroku. When you do this make sure one of the people who hosted it as a readme pairs with someone who hasn't done it before. That way we all get experience doing this over the next few weeks.
  • Set up Continuous integration with Travis, and code coverage using codeCov and istanbul. Try to get a full-suite of github repo badges in your readme.

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