10 tips for teaching code

  1. Always ask questions first. Most of the time the students actually know the answer, but just don’t feel confident in it.
  2. Encourage the students to type and not copy paste.
  3. The student should always be in control of the keyboard and mouse (don’t type for them)
  4. Draw things out! Keep a notepad and pen with you and prepare yourself to draw out the problems/solutions to visually aid your explanations
  5. If you don’t know the answer that is completely okay! The best thing to do is find out the answer with the student. Google it and then you guys can both learn something new. Ideally this also signals to the person you are mentoring that it is okay not to know something
  6. If a student is feeling overwhelmed, breaking down the problem into very small chunks works well. They need to be shown they can figure it out on their own, you are just there to guide them.
  7. Let them stumble. We learn by making mistakes, getting frustrated, and working through problem in our own way. Be supportive, but let them explore.
  8. Don't say no when the students are not doing something right. Be gentle, approach it in a mild way.
  9. Work collaboratively with your students. If you have two or more students, you should work with all of them. Don't focus all your attention on one of them.
  10. Assume that anyone you're teaching has no knowledge but infinite intelligence.

Before the course we suggest you...

  • Run through some of the material with someone who hasn’t coded before - This is deployed to Read the docs for easy viewing
  • Get more practise! We recommend mentoring at codebar. Many of the attendees there are new to programming so it is good preparation for the course.
#thanxNathalia for sending us these tips!

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