Stop Go Continue


  • Readme presentations being so long + in depth (TeachME day! No dumping random resources to readme, think about it as a teaching session)
  • Stop testing core functionality (don't test the obvious like HTTP module)
  • Having no microwave
  • lollipopping individuals (puts people on the spot)
  • putting knives on drying rack
  • carefully targeted speakers (Make sure speaker is aware of the level of knowledge of the group)


  • Tea + Coffee kitty
  • presentation workshops, feedback of presentations
  • clarify what to test and not to test
  • Paint & Clearout day! Sunday?
  • A more applied test workshop
  • clarify callbacks at the start of week 3


  • step by step workshops like Nodegirls
  • explaining new things like you've never heard of them before
  • well thought of projects
  • node shell workshop!
  • Adjusting timings based on our needs without sacrificing the content of the week
  • resources few enough to feel manageable
  • present on Monday
  • Make event loop video mandatory

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