Research Day

We're going to be using our new git skills to work in groups of four to write READMEs. Each group needs to choose a topic, with each member of the group researching one of its four sub-topics. Create a markdown file in the README repo, and pull and push to keep it updated as you all work. Don't panic if you face a merge conflict - work together as a team to resolve it. Oh shit, git will be of help.

Some of the sub-topics may take longer than others - if you finish earlier than the rest of your team, pair up with someone to help them finish. Don't forget that each team needs to write three 'lollipop questions' related to their topic!


Team 1

  • Lucy
  • Marko
  • Peter
  • Jen

Team 2

  • Marina
  • Steve
  • Will
  • Cleo

Team 3

  • Tom
  • Nora
  • Shireen
  • John

Team 4

  • Esraa
  • Emily
  • Ewelina
  • Nick

Using the Command Line

  • Write a tutorial on how to use the command line to find out which directory you're in, how to print its contents, and how to move to another directory.
  • What is Bash?
  • How can you customise your terminal?
  • What are the benefits of working with the command line rather than a GUI?

Manipulating the DOM

  • Explain the phrase 'DOM manipulation is expensive'. How can we make it more efficient?
  • How can we use DOM element relationships to access elements?
  • What is a node in the DOM? What different types of node are there?
  • How can we use DOM manipulation to dynamically change the content and style of HTML elements?


  • What's the CSS box model?
  • Responsive vs mobile-first design
  • What are your options for creating a grid system? What are the pros and cons of each?
  • What's a CSS preprocessor? Why would you use one?


  • What's the difference between git and GitHub?
  • What are labels and milestones, and why are they particularly useful in agile software development?
  • How can you document a project on GitHub? Why would you want to do this?
  • Write a tutorial on hosting a site using GitHub Pages

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