Stop Go Continue


  • More structure for each week planned in advance.
  • Update the gitbook before start of week.
  • Clear week structure: don't spill one week into another.
  • Extending goal posts in terms of timings, i.e. project deadline.
  • Make it clear what the timetable is for each day.
  • Giving options on new material when students don't know what they should study.
  • Open-ended projects for hapi week. (strong approval)
  • Concentrating on what to build distracts time away from learning objectives.
  • Focus on middle-ground of creativity vs. provided structure.
  • SQL Zoo (good for quizzing, but find a better resource.)
  • Workshops need to provide more context.
  • Unstructured meetings: need to be more structured to make the best use of everyone's time.
  • tame Dan. :-)


  • More silent time when people are researching READMEs.
  • Share weekly SGC notes with upcoming week leaders so feedback is carried forwards.
  • Workshop on http requests using node backend b4 hapi project.
  • More workshops on CSS interspersed through back-end weeks.
  • code-reviews on projects from people with specific knowledge like css.
  • Provide contextual information on topic at start of week.
  • More workshops/ code-along/ good workshops to intro db, less talking about them.


  • Concise readme presentations (strong approval)
  • Mini stop-go-continues (team retrospectives)
  • Arabic lessons.
  • Meditation lessons.
  • Keeping the space tidy.

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