Stop Go Continue


  • Change project name from 'blog' to portfolio website
  • Go trough branching on git before starting projects
  • Never make more than 1 template
  • Website perfectionism
    • Forgetting the point of the exercise is to work as a team
  • For start-up-week workshops, ensure they will be most relevant to following projects. (eg. "learn flexbox", "don't use flexbox")
  • Solo programming


  • A workshop about website architecture (grids, columns etc.)

  • mobile first (more teaching?)
  • More gitflow
  • possibly udacity git course as precourse material
  • Create key skills objective or each project so we know our aim is to make a sophisticated functioning blog
  • wash cafetiere after you take the last cup of coffee
  • Distinguish between QA and code review
  • better allocation to tasks
  • flashcards channel
  • repo to share notes/resources
  • Continue

  • Pair programming & swapping pairs

  • encourage showcasing new tools/features/code
  • Learning by doing (projects)
  • forcing people to use git
  • leaving at 6
  • writing notes

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