Learning Outcomes

The purpose of the pre-course material is to make sure everyone is familiar with some key concepts we'll be using throughout the course. The learning curve at FAC is steep, and a solid grounding in the fundamentals will help you immensely.

Core Learning Outcomes

Front End Fundamentals

  • Use a text editor
  • Understand how HTML and CSS are used alongside JavaScript in a project
  • Use common array methods


  • Understand what a JavaScript object is
  • Understand what a callback is, when you would use one, and how callbacks relate to asynchronicity
  • Understand scope in JavaScript, and how it affects your code
  • Recognise ES6 features

Git and GitHub

  • Understand the purpose of using Git and GitHub
  • Create and use a GitHub repository
  • Know basic git commands like git add, git commit and git push

Using the Command Line

  • Use the command line to navigate around your computer
  • Use the command line to install a programme

DOM Manipulation

  • Understand what the DOM is
  • Create, access, and style a DOM element


  • Understand the relation between a server, API and client
  • Know some frequently used APIs

Chrome Dev tools

  • Use Inspect Element to view the HTML and CSS of a webpage
  • Use the Sources tab to set breakpoints
  • Use the browser console to view console logs and error messages

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