
Your project this week is to create a web app which implements 3rd party authentication and uses the user data it has access to via this third party in some way in the app.

What you choose to build with this data and how you choose to display it is up to you. We suggest you spend any time you have on Tuesday afternoon:

  • exploring APIs that you are interested in working with
  • coming up with ideas and picking the one you'll work on this week
  • deciding what you need to build for your Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and splitting up the tasks

Any code you write on Tuesday afternoon MUST BE DELETED before you start on your projects.

You will have all of Wednesday and Thursday to work on your project, with code reviews on Friday morning. On Friday we'll have final presentations in the afternoon.


You are free to implement 3rd party authentication using whichever service you wish.


  • User authentication using 3rd party (OAuth)
  • For session management use either JWTs or 'normal' session cookies
  • Your app should use the data it has access to via the 3rd party login
  • It should look PRETTY! No one wants to use fugly web apps.
  • Hosted on heroku

Keep in mind:

  • NEVER expose API keys or user tokens
  • DO NOT write your own crypto

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