Stop Go Continue

Note: This is to help you plan how you will teach the next cohort (as well as influence how your next few weeks/months will go)!


  • 'Doing TDD wrong'
  • Moving goalposts (e.g. use QUint, you can choose, actually you have to use it - change your projects)


  • Reading about async functions in pre-course material
  • Use Notes repo to share resources with each other
  • Use same testing framework consistently
  • Resources tab on gitbook to include (article?) on differences between frameworks e.g. Jasmine & QUnit
  • 5 minute breaks
  • Introduce modularisation e.g. through workshop
  • Reverse order of FizzBuzz & dwyl


  • Emphasise starting projects with design phase
  • Update gitbook as/when decisions change during the week (e.g. learning outcomes, resources, etc.)
  • Roman numerals as an example
  • Research day every week
  • TDD on all projects
  • Heads up on next week's topics - not necessarily compulsory homework
  • Swapping pairs
  • Learning git and TDD through own projects
  • Pushing work up to github regulary


Should the order of Monday workshops be different? Between the 2 morning challenges and the DWYL tutorial, what should the order be? Should FizzBuzz kata be last workshop of the day on Monday?

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