Week 4 Learning Outcomes

Node server basics

  • Understand how running Node differs from running javascript in your browser.
  • Understand what a server is and its relationship to the 'client'.
  • Understand the 'http' core module and its methods.
  • Understand the 'fs' core module and its methods.
  • Be aware of the request object and some of its properties and methods.
  • Be aware of the response object and some of its properties and methods.

Module design pattern and server file structure

  • Understand what npm is.
  • Understand what a package.json is.
  • Understand how module.exports works with functions and objects.
  • Understand how to import functions and objects from other modules to use them.
  • Understand the benefits of drawback of the module design pattern.
  • Understand what files might go in the 'public' folder on your server.
  • Understand what files might go in the 'src' folder on your server.

Endpoints and routing

  • Understand how to set up a server with different endpoints.
  • Understand how to parse a querystring from a GET request.
  • Understand how to read data streams a POST request with chunking and JSON.parse.
  • Understand how to use tape and shot to test endpoints.

Continuous integration, linting and codecov

  • Understand what CI is and the benefits and drawbacks.
  • Be aware of linters such as ES Lint.
  • Be aware of tools like Travis.
  • Be aware of pre-commit hooks.
  • Be aware of Istanbul?
  • Be aware of CodeCov?
  • What is the difference between Istanbul & CodeCov?

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