Postgres Workshop


Become familiar with SQL commands to:

  • create new databases
  • create tables in a database
  • add rows
  • retrieve data from existing databases
  • alter tables (e.g. add columns)
  • run the above on your machine

Practice SQL commands

Practice SQL commands going through the following sections of this tutorial (you can do more if you like, of course):

Create and update a database

Except from 1. and 2. you will find out all the commands you need on your own (in pairs)!

  1. on your command-line open the postgreSQL (psql) shell - psql or psql postgres.
  2. create a new database with create database database_name. If you get ERROR: permission denied to create database, exit the shell and start a terminal session as user "postgres" (sudo -su postgres) and open psql.
  3. Create a table with naming of your choice.
  4. Play with SQL commands in order to:
    • Query the table by specific parameters
    • Alter the values of existing cells of your table
    • Alter data types
    • Add columns
    • Combine operations
    • etc. surprise us!


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