Research Topics

You've done 7 research days so far, and should by now have a good idea of which format works best for your cohort. You have the freedom to decide which format you'd like to use to produce these resources (READMEs with presentations, tutorials, screencasts, READMEs with issues\/quiz, a mixture of all of these). But the decision must be a collective one.


  • Using JSON Web Tokens
  • Using Cookies, Local Storage, Session Storage and IndexedDB
  • Managing a user session (create, store, verify, invalidate)
  • Different types of authentication (Basic, 2 factor etc.)


  • Using scope to set permission levels in a Hapi.js web app
  • Setting scope and access tokens in a request


  • Best practices for storing passwords safely. What is Bcrypt?
  • Mitigation of common attacks: SQL injection, XSS, etc.

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