Learning Outcomes

The learning outcomes for this week are a slightly more broad than the previous weeks. You'll be learning the basics of Hapi, but you'll also be bringing lots of technologies that you've learnt together with a goal to structure your project in a more modular fashion.

Core Learning Outcomes

  • Set up a Hapi Server (get it listening on a port of your choice)
  • Set up some routes using server.route([....])
  • Get data out of the request params and payload
  • Set up a route with a dynamic url (i.e. one route that can handle a number of different requests)
  • Register Plugins using the server.register([....], cb) method
  • Serve static files (like css or js files) using the Inert plugin
  • Serve html templates using Handlebars and Hapi's Vision plugin
  • Validate a user's input using the Joi plugin
  • Set up a basic user login with the Hapi Auth Basic plugin
  • Test all of these using tape (Hapi has shot built in so it's super nice to test!)
  • Set up SASS to modularise your css using @import

If you can do all of these, congratulations!!

Bonus Learning Outcomes

  • Understand and use Handlebars partials, layouts and helpers
  • Organise a 'feature' of your app into a Hapi plugin
  • Understand and use SASS variables, mixins and nesting
  • Use SASS control directives (like @for, @if and @each) to set up a group of css selectors

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