
Rebuild Wordpress (build a CMS)

This week we want you to build a content management system (like wordpress), it's a bit like a turbo charged version of your blog in week 1 - but way more modular and reusable!

Core Features

  • Create content (i.e. make a new post)
  • Read content (i.e. show all posts)
  • Update content (i.e. update an existing post)
  • Delete content
  • User logins
  • Validation of user input (protect yourself against script injections!)
  • Modular html and css (make use of SASS and Handlebars to organise your code / make it reusable)
  • At least 80% codecov

Bonus Features

  • Ability to add users
  • Ability to add new pages
  • Content filters
  • Adding a rich text editor for content input (like
  • Deploy to Heroku

It's a lot to get through in 2 days, but we believe in you! :) And remember

  • This is all about learning.
  • Try your best to get the core features done by the end of the week, but if you don't, it's not the end of the world - (look back through it on the weekend and play around with some of the stuff you didn't finish).
  • Your whole team MUST understand ALL the features you're implementing (if they don't, either explain it fully, or DON'T implement it)

Good luck, and have fun!

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