
  • Wednesday - Thursday
  • Friday raising issues / answer issues (morning) + presentation (afternoon)

Build a blog using GitHub Pages

The first task is to build a group blog. This will be a permanent record of your work over the next several weeks. You will use it to share with each other and to showcase Founders & Coders to the world.

This is an open-ended project on which you will be working for two days. You can make the blog as elaborate as you like and use it as a playground for as many technologies as you are able to research and implement.

As a minimum requirement, your blog should have profiles of each of your group members and each profile should include links to your Linkedin, Github and Codewars accounts. Your website should be published on gh-pages. We will also be checking your site for accessibility on

What’s the point?

  • Get familiar with a wide range of web technologies and tools
  • Get used to working together in groups
  • Produce a lasting record of your experience at Founders & Coders
  • Get flashy with CSS
  • Make your site responsive and mobile friendly


  • Internet & Web
  • Development environments
  • Command line
  • Git & GitHub
  • GitHub Pages
  • Markdown
  • HTML & CSS
  • Social Media
  • Mobile first design

Some cool profile pages

Article, Meet the team pages [electric pulp] (

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