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stop stressing, important to relax and take walks

Worrying about finishing project and instead worry about team understanding

Bring back morning challenges with prizes, api week challenge was good

Consider doing the readme's after the project. We should reduce the time spent on the readmes, spending 3 hours on the readme, more practical topics.

Also having a hands on tutorial is far more preferable to writing your own readme. The conclusion is 3 hours turorial and 3 hours on readmes

Upstairs runthrough was really good, have these in future.

Better gitbook upkeep.

Notify if anyone is going through anything with an individual

Eliasesk whiteboard walkthrough on topics that people feel they would like to work on

Better upkeep of suggestions for what to do for the next cohort

Startup a backend testing workshop

After work sessions for those interested

Be a bit more rigorous on pair programming, partners to be more patient, stop implementing code which some people may not understand, lower the level of the code complexity so that everyone can understand

The more advanced members of the team should take more of a backseat when developing the project, add code comments

The range of abilities is far wider than before, don't worry too much about the problem of pair programming

4 Readme topics for each team member jigsaw groups are good

Implement Rory's lollipop question idea, that at the end of every Readme there are questions for people so that on Friday people can challenged to answer them

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