Research Topics

These topics are used for creating tutorials which other people in the cohort will complete. You will complete it in pairs with someone who is from a different team.

Git and Github

  • Define Git and Github
  • What is the difference?

GitHub issues

  • Describe how to get started with issues and features of issues (creating labels, milestones)
  • Stretch goal: Other GitHub features - go through how to make a wiki and/or GitHub shortcuts

GitHub flow

  • Go through the journey from creating a repo on GitHub to merging in changes


  • How to style boring HTML

Manipulating the DOM

  • How to change the DOM

Using the command line (for cloning, staging, committing, pushing, etc)

  • How can someone use the command line to clone a repo, create a branch, stage, commit and push changes, and any other useful command line tricks

Creating a README with markdown basics

  • How does someone create a table, bold or italic text, etc using markdown on GitHub? Think of things that would be useful to have in a project README.

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