Readme Topics

Task 1 - 4 people Look in to the http core module and it’s methods. Investigate EventsEmitters.

How does module.exports work?

Split up and look in to:

  • Investigate the http and request objects, what are some of their useful properties

  • fs module, look in to how you can use this module.

Create an application which documents the output of a http request to .txt files

Create a short readme on commands you found most useful

Task 2 - 2 people - Video tutorial & readme What is the env2 module? How could this be useful? What other ways are there of setting up environment variables?

Your task is to write a tutorial on how to send an api request using env2 (backend using http module) to store you api keys

Task 3 - 4 people - Video tutorials

  • Travis, Istanbul, Code Climate and CodeCov. What is continuous integration and what are it’s benefits. Run Istanbul for a simple tested file files. Host the files on Travis. Travis takes a long time to build, how can this be improved. Look in to repo badges code climate and codecov badges
  • Investigate shot, how it works, how can you use it with tape. What kinds of options could you inject. As a four: group1 host group2’s tests on travis. Document any issues you run in to.

Task: Host your tape and shot tests with Travis. Integrate the other technologies with your travis ci as much as possible.

Task 4 - 2 people - Video tutorial How to get a project hosted on Heroku. Good practices for hosting. Are you bound to one hosted project per repository Where else could you host your site, what are the pros and cons of other hosting options?

Task 5 - 2 people - Readme - For people who are feeling fairly comfortable with node Investigate EventEmitters What are streams? Investigate good server architecture practices Look in to how to use, digital ocean or other hostring/paas services

Task 6 - 2 people - Video tutorial Chrome debugger - from last time and is it possible to use debugger in node?

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