
We strongly believe in working in groups so, if possible, it would help your learning experience to find a partner to work with (you can do this remotely too!).

At FAC, we also encourage learning through your own research.

Command Line, Git, Github

Topics to research

You will not get very far without knowing how to...

  • Navigate your file system with the following commands:

    • cd & cd ..
    • mkdir & touch
    • ls & ls -a
    • rm
    • mv
    • cp
  • Starting a git project on git / github. In a project this will typically happen by:

    • Creating a repo on Github, initializing it with a readme, cloning it to a local folder
    • Navigating online to an existing Github repo and clone it to a local folder

You could find it convenient to learn shortcuts and convenient commands such as

  • &&
  • aliases on your bash profile

...and know what a gitignore is and why it is useful.


Topics to research

You will not get very far without knowing about/how to...

  • Create an html document (this is very easy with Atom's autocomplete!)
  • Give classes and id's to divs
  • Input fields and forms
  • Buttons
  • CSS selectors (how to target the correct one)


  • Make your own grid system (without bootstrap).
  • Look through the animations here and Build something that inspires you with a cool transition!


Topics to research

You will not get very far without knowing...

  • Array methods such as map, reduce, forEach, filter
  • document.getElementById, addEventListener
  • How to change classes dynamically


  • Codewars, which allows great practice with functions, arrays, and objects, but little/none on DOM manipulation.
  • You should practice DOM manipulation with a..

Project from home

  • Create a simple webpage about you and your experience in learning programming and web development so far. No frameworks (e.g. jQuery, Bootstrap, etc.). You could, for example, include:
    • About section
    • Contact section
    • Navbar (e.g. links between About section and Contact section)

If you run out of things to do, contact Sam or Franz on Gitter.

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