Postgres Workshop

By the start of this workshop you should have already installed postgres, and be able to run the psql command without issues.

Workshop Objectives

Become familiar with SQL commands to:

  • create new databases
  • create tables in a database
  • add rows
  • retrieve data from existing databases
  • alter tables (e.g. add columns)
  • run the above on your machine

Practice SQL commands (until 11.30)

Practice SQL commands going through the following sections of this tutorial (you can do more if you like, of course):

Create and update a database (until lunch)

Except from 1. and 2. you will find out all the commands you need on your own (in pairs)!

  1. on your command-line open the postgreSQL (psql) shell - psql or psql postgres.
  2. create a new database with create database database_name. If you get ERROR: permission denied to create database, exit the shell and start a terminal session as user "postgres" (sudo -su postgres) and open psql.
  3. Create a table with naming of your choice.
  4. Play with SQL commands in order to:
    • Query the table by specific parameters
    • Alter the values of existing cells of your table
    • Alter data types
    • Add columns
    • Combine operations
    • etc. surprise me!


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