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Length of time on readies, 4 hours for a readme is too much time. Some topics did not have enough time. A solution could be to ensure each readme topic is sufficiently long. More subheadings for what to cover would be useful


More time spent teaching git workflow, a morning challenge on git workflow would be good.

Dom manipulation is quite difficult. A solution would be to do a morning challenge on the dom, changing the prerequisites to include dom manipulation. More resources should have been available before the course for dom manipulation.

Make sure pair programming is enforced from the start. It would be good to have an explanation on what is pair programming.

Making sites responsive is a possible addition to the readies

Clarify that you should be pushing and pulling often.

To have advice on how to mange a team and divide up work and also talk about linting and code standards.

Code review caused people to refactor their code which is a great thing

Wire framing and ux principles would have been good to have gone through. Perhaps do a workshop on user stories.

Morning challenge on css animations


Perhaps go through sass in week 1

Code review is a great thing

Maybe have a list up of rules like: pair programming, switching every 20 mins

There are problems people are running into which they would like to better understand

Fit object model into a morning challenge

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