This is the final week of the shared syllabus. Next week we start on MVP projects.
10:00 Morning challenge
10:30 This week's project
10:45 Split into role groups for the day
16:30 Role group presentations
17:30 MVP pitch for our own projects
10:00 Morning challenge
10:30 Team reviews
11:30 Continue to work on projects in teams
17:30 MVP pitch for our own projects
10:00 Morning challenge
10:30 Continue to work on projects in teams
17:00 Project presentations (optional)
17:30 MVP pitch for our own projects
10:00 Morning challenge
10:30 Continue to work on projects in teams
17:30 MVP pitch for our own projects
10:00 Morning challenge
10:30 Continue to work on projects in teams
14:30 Project presentations
17:30 End of course drinks