Behaviour-driven development

We are going to introduce testing early in this course and we are going to use an approach to testing that fits in well with the agile approach and with the story-based project management tool that we are using.

Before we write any other software, we are going to write code to test the expected behaviour of our software. This approach is known as behaviour-driven development, or BDD.


In BDD, we start with acceptance criteria. These are the criteria that a non-technical user can use to judge whether an application works as intended. These criteria should map to user stories.

User stories

A user story is a description of some desired application behaviour that must include a scenario and an outcome. An example might be:

When a user goes to the home page, it should display the text, "Hello, Globe Town"

Stories should generally be of this "When... should..." form. (There is another way of writing these stories, which uses the structure "Given... When... Should". We might run into it later.)

These acceptance criteria, expressed as user stories are then turned into acceptance tests.

Acceptance tests

Acceptance tests are code that tests the outcome of a given user story. If a user story is carefully composed, then translating it into code is relatively simple.

In pseudo-code, a test might look something like this:

describe 'When a User goes to the home page':
    it should actually exist
    it should display the message, 'Hello, Camden Town'

The describe block defines some scenario and each of the enclosed it blocks describe some desired outcome.


For testing we are going to use Mocha, a JavaScript testing library.

Install Mocha as follows:

npm install -g mocha

In a new directory, create a file test.js and add the following:

var assert = require('assert');

describe('The number one', function() {

    it('should equal 1', function() {
        assert.equal(1, 1);

    it('should not equal 2', function() {
        assert.notEqual(1, 2);


Then run:


And your tests should pass, like this:

The number one
  ✓ should equal 1
  ✓ should not equal 2

2 passing


As well as mocha, we are going to use Supertest, a JavaScript library for testing HTTP servers. This will allow us to test actual web pages, making GET and POST requests and checking the response.

Install Supertest as follows:

npm install -g supertest

Using Supertest, we can easily map user stories to acceptance tests for web applications.

A test script might look like this:

var request = require('supertest');
request = request('http://foundersandcoders.org/');

describe('When a user goes to the home page', function() {

    it("should return status code 200 OK", function(done) {
            .expect(200, done);

    it("should contain the text 'Camden Town'", function(done) {
            .expect(/Camden Town/, done);


Run mocha and these should pass as follows:

When a user goes to the home page
  ✓ should return status code 200 OK (207ms)
  ✓ should return some text referencing 'Camden Town' (243ms)

2 passing (459ms)

(It is possible the first test will fail with Error: expected 200 "OK", got 302 "Moved Temporarily. If that happens, just run the test again.)

These examples are also on GitHub.


Testing is a big topic and we have just scratched the surface. There are also different ways to do BDD (see Wikipedia). The approach used here is a good jumping off point, but is not close to being exhaustive.