We will be building a Node.js application to access various social media APIs to collect posts for displaying on each of your blogs.
The initial task will be to create a gallery of tweeted images with the hashtag #FoundersandCoders on your blog, using the Twitter API and an application that responds to AJAX requests by serving JSON.
If you successfully complete this task, there are a number of possible extension tasks that you can attempt:
There are several questions that you will have to answer to successfully complete this week's task:
The complexity of this task is greater than the client-side developer challenge we did in Week 2, but none of the pieces are necesarily harder than anything you have already tackled. The trick will be to understand how all the pieces fit together and to break the task down into manageable chunks.
Project planning is going to be essential and you may want to understand how to solve this problem on paper before you start writing any code.
// Write a small program which runs in node.
// This program will allow you to run the following command:
>$ node program.js hello
// and get the following result:
>$ node program.js HELLO
> H
> E
> L
> L
> O
// For this challenge you will need to install node and npm.
// HINT: http://nodejs.org/api/process.html
Some references: https://www.codeschool.com/courses/real-time-web-with-node-js
Here you can find a lot of material: https://github.com/FilWisher/node-books