- Conceptually understand unit testing
- How do unit tests fit in to the developer's toolbox/workflow?
- Communicate with repo owners about modularizing code (this is ESSENTIAL for unit testing)
- Towards the end of the week, write some unit tests using tap and tape.
- Look at "module.exports" and "require".
- Modularizing code and separating functionality
- How should we split our code apart? How should we structure it?
- Not sharing passwords and private keys on github (and not sharing node - modules too).
- Communicate with testers about modularizing code, they will need it to test.
- Deploying to Heroku
- Environmental variables
- How to structure branches to make sure Heroku only builds working projects
- How does the twitter API work?
- npm & npm modules
- What modules will make this projects a bit easier?
- What cool modules can you find?
- npm init and creating modules yourselves
- You will each be assigned a mentor/guide
- They will share some resources with you and give you some gentle prodding in the right direction.