Height & colour - proportional to number of tweets
3 bar charts - one for each hashtag
One svg for bar chart
3 radio buttons to toggle between charts
Button switches dataset and redraws chart
Suggestions in svg text element below chart
Hover over bar displays suggestion text
Optional sort button to sort
What should it look like: see above
What data do we need:
Suggestion text
Retweet count
Which hashtag
How often are we getting updates?
We are assuming we will get data and populate graph in the response callback - We will define our drawing function elsewhere then pass it as a callback to the response processing function.
How are we going to store data?
Each suggestion type will be stored in a separate dataset.
Instead of radio buttons, use a carousel or tabs, etc
Change how suggestion is displayed:
have vertical/horizontal bars
have a suggestion text element below the chart
hovering over bar will highlight the suggestion text element and vice versa