Sprint reviews

We are aiming to split the week up into three parts:

Mondays are sprint planning days, when you will research your project, decide on your objectives for the week and turn them into user stories. We will end the day with a review of your sprint goals for the week.

Tuesdays and Wednesdays are the first sprint of the week. On Wednesday, we end the day with an initial sprint review.

Thursdays and Fridays are the second and final project sprint. On Fridays, we end the day with a final sprint review. We will aim to have an invited reviewer, too.

For the review of sprint goals, we will expect to see your user stories in Pivotal Tracker.

For the sprint reviews, each group will need to demonstrate:

  • A functioning website
  • Running tests
  • Linted code
  • The idioms, functions, libraries and tools you have used

Presentations will be followed by Q&A.