Agile Practices

Agile Manifesto

  1. Individuals and interactions over processes and tools

  2. Working software over comprehensive documentation

  3. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation

  4. Responding to change over following a plan

There are a lot of development processes that people have created to reflect the values of the agile manifesto. These include Scrum, Kanban, Crystal Clear, Extreme Programing and many more, which all include a certain selection of agile practices.

Agile Practices

Key Agile Practices.


Headed by an appointed scrum master, scrums are daily standing meetings where the work load is decided upon and divided based on the product owners demand and priorities. Main scrum questions:

  1. What have you done since yesterday?
  2. What are you planning to do today?
  3. What are any impediments?

Any impediments raised are resolved by the scrum master outside of the scrum, no detailed discussions in scrums.

Morning scrums must be of the highest priority and can not be delayed no matter the circumstance. Everything must be dropped and they must occur at the exact same time every day!!


Work loads are executed in sprints (decided in a sprint planning meeting). Sprints are of a predetermined length with a clearly specified endpoint. The first sprints should always be designed to complete the most basic functioning product. and subsequent sprints should add to the functionality and always end with a working and deployable product.

End Meetings

Sprint review - Presentation of completed work to clients and stake-holders. Sprint retrospective - A stop start continue evaluation headed by the scrum master.

info sourced from: [http://www.agileproductdesign.com/]