Week 4: Social Media Feed v2.

Time: one week

The project this week is similar to last week.

Again, we will be using Nodejs to build an application to access the Instagram API, collect pictures and display them.

The components to this task will be similar to last week:

  • the instagram API
  • a server that responds to requests with JSON
  • a separate front end that makes ajax requests to your server

The challenge this week will come from the tools you will use to build this.

  • TravisCI will run tests and deploy your application from Github
  • Heroku will host your application online
  • Codeclimate will tell you about your code quality
  • Make or Gulp will run tasks as you develop
  • Tap/Tape will unit test your code and tell you about code coverage
  • LevelDB will be a database to store your JSON responses on request.
  • Precommit hooks and JSHint to improve code quality

The trick will be to understand how all the pieces fit together and to break the task down into manageable chunks. Make use of the role groups, it will be essential for dividing up the workload.

The best apps this week will not be those that look the coolest or have the flashiest features. They will be the ones with as close to 100% test coverage (with GOOD tests), as close to 4.0 on Codeclimate, and a fully updated Pivotal Tracker board.

We want to see at least 1 deployment per day. That means you have to have something, no matter how incomplete, deployed by MONDAY EVENING!


Managing Userstories Codeclimate


Heroku Travis


Git Understanding which branches to deploy from and when to merge into them. Continuous integration workflows

