Week3 ✨

"An asynchronous operation.

Who’s there?

Knock knock."

This week you will be introduced to XHR requests and API!! Hopefully you have looked at some of the pre-course materials on API's and we will be going into it more in depth through lots of great walkthroughs, workshops and an exciting project!

Important note!

No PROMISES and no Jquery allowed!



  • 10.00-11.30 Morning challenge.
  • 11.30 - 13.00 -- Workshop - XHR walktrough (with Sofia)
  • 14.00-16.00 -- Reputation builder (with Elias)
  • 4:30 onwards -- Whiteboard questions with Elias


  • 10-11 -- Morning Challenge (Owen)
  • 11-12 -- Postman walktrough (Owen)
  • 12.00 - 16:00 -- Research topics
  • 16:00 - 17:30 -- Review and Presentations
  • 17:30 - 18:00 -- Project introduction


  • Projects


  • 10-11 -- Code review
  • 11-13 -- Respond to issues
  • 2-3 -- Stop - Go - Continue
  • 3-5 -- Presentations
  • 5-6 -- Natalia (FAC alumna) and +1

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