


  • 10-11 Bes workshop (approx: writing your own functions to test a piece of code)
  • There is a bit of reading over the weekend (See Resources)
  • Kara and Gabriel: Clear Introduction writing a test (first thing Monday), what it is and how to do it. Red Green Refactor.
  • Kara and Gabriel to do basic introduction to Qunit.
  • Intro (Jack) workshop. Kara to run workshop (which will be done individually).
  • Gabriel to do Fizz Buzz kata workshop.
  • Lunch
  • Kara and Gabriel: Introduce ping pong pair programming, then DWYL vending maching tutorial in the afternoon.
  • If they finish early on Monday: have them look at Udacity course on Jasmine (it is quite quick; they don't need to finish it--can keep looking at it Monday evening). Or README topics.


  • 10-11 Bes workshop
  • Tuesday morning: We are both introducing Jasmine and going over ping pong pair programming.
  • Kara and Mattia: Jasmine: Introduction plus Roman Numerals code-along. First we start with basic code-along for a few numbers, then send them off to finish it with ping pong pair programming.
  • Lunch
  • Mattia to introduce screen casts and the afternoon project: it's README Day, but we are doing video tutorials/screen casts on testing done in pairs with ping pong pair programming (they can do a section of their Roman Numerals kata). Since screen casts are done in pairs; there will be 8. Pair up with someone not in your group of 4.
  • Show screen casts to each other.
  • If there is time: Do the READMEs, if have time can have them do full READMEs, else say they are subjects for further exploration, all related to TDD and all good to gain some understanding of.


  • 10-11 Bes workshop
  • Mattia to give quick overview of async testing and give them stopwatch project.
  • (Note: Jarkyn is coming in the following week to do async testing for API week)
  • For stopwatch project: The idea is to follow the TDD cycle to create a stop watch, using ping pong. Split into your groups of 4. Then pair up within that group (so there will be 8 stopwatches created).
  • Stretch goals: countdown timer, split timmer, any other functionality eg, translator. They can add as much functionality as they like! Be creative!


  • 10-11 Bes workshop
  • Continue stopwatch projects!


  • 10-11 Bes workshop
  • Code Review
  • Respond to Issues
  • Stop Go Continue: Would we like to move morning workshops to earlier in the morning, ie, 9:30 or 9:00?
  • Presentations
  • Optionals for the week: Mattia to introduce testing with legacy code and possibly arrange speaker


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