Week 7



The focus this week will be a node framework called Hapi.

Using a framework like hapi, (along with a few other goodies you'll be learning) really take building web applications to the next level!

Important note:

No Promises!

Promises are banned until the end of the course (by the end of week 11/12), only use callbacks. This is for a similar reason we don't use jQuery or Boostrap during the course - learning the fundamentals gives you greater power later to use more advanced language features or libraries.


Monday Morning

  • Workshop on getting started with Hapi

Monday Afternoon

  • README topics

Tuesday Morning

  • Github Project Management talk (Ines)
  • Handlebars Morning Challenge
  • Regex workshop (Owen)

Tuesday Afternoon

  • SASS workshop (Michelle)
  • Finish and present READMEs
  • Start scoping this weeks project

Wednesday & Thursday

  • Work on project


  • Morning code review
  • Stop Go Continue
  • Present Project
  • go celebrate!

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